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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Tips - 4 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Faster

If you are looking for fast weight loss tips this article was written with you in mind. The best way to speed your body's ability to lose weight is by boosting your metabolism. Your metabolism is like your body's engine and just like in your car when your engine is running better it burns fuel more efficiently. If you can spare just a couple of minutes to read this article you can find 4 different ways to boost your metabolism.

Fast Weight Loss Tips

1. Vary your calorie intake. A mistake many people make is keeping their calories too low for too long. What this causes is your metabolism to take a nosedive. What you must do is eat more calories periodically to keep your metabolism high. Try varying your calorie intake one day a week by adding 25-50% to your calorie intake for that one day. You will not eat too much that you gain weight but you will boost your metabolic rate.

2. Watch out for late night carbs. Carbohydrates cause a rise in your insulin production and when this is present your body makes fat easier and shuts down fat loss. If you eat carbs right before bed you could be preventing fat loss during the night.

3. Circuit training. A great way to get faster calorie burning and faster fat burning is by exercising using a circuit. This is simply combining cardio exercise with weight lifting during the same exercise session. Simply alternate back and forth between the two exercises and boost your metabolism.

4. Interval training. Another excellent option for increasing your metabolic rate is to use interval training. This is simply adding short burst of high intensity to your cardio routine. Start with a comfortable warm up and then quickly increase your intensity until you are working out hard and have a much higher breathing rate then back down to catch your breath and repeat.

These 4 fast weight loss tips will give you great results start using them today or learn more about them through the links below.

For More Related Topics Blog: Fast Diets That Work

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