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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Alert Yourself to Food Allergies! They Could Be Hurting Your Weight Loss Efforts

Are you having trouble seeing your weight loss pictures develop? Are you stuck in the before phase of the before and after weight loss photos you hope to create? If you are like many other people, one of the hidden holdups to your goals for weight loss could be food allergies.

You might not focus on this much or at all, but carrying around undiagnosed allergies to certain foods can be a major obstacle in achieving or maintaining your target weight. But now it appears there is progress in getting through or around the food allergy obstacle.

Not all of the foods you think are healthy for you actually are. One of the reasons for that is you may have unknown allergies or intolerances to them. Food allergies can be the hidden cause that creates a number of health problems for you. For example, food allergies can lead to migraines, skin reactions, fatigue, arthritis, and of course, weight gain and obesity.

An Allergy-Friendly Weight Loss Diet

The Cleveland Clinic is one of the most prestigious medical institutions in the United States and perhaps the world. Doctors there say they are experiencing real success helping patients modify and improve their personal nutritional programs and diets in order to lose weight.

There's no cookie cutter approach at the Cleveland Clinic. Every person is given a customized approach specifically for their needs. They provide a blood sample for the purpose of investigating intolerances. You could call it a kind of food allergy test. Maybe someone finds they are lactose intolerant. Maybe wheat works against their system. Then, if issues are identified, doctors work with patients on choosing and implementing successful food substitutes to change eating habits.

One of the diets growing in popularity around Cleveland, Ohio is the Immunohealth Three D diet. It's been practiced in parts of Europe since the 1990's. While the program has a number of followers, it's much easier on the stomach than it is on your wallet, costing significantly more than other weight loss programs.

Remember, you can always check with your doctor if intolerances or allergies to foods might be preventing your weight loss success. Your doctor can test you. And if certain issues are found, there are plenty of food substitutes you can use to create weight loss and better eating habits.

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Water Weight Fast

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